Soap Talk

In the Natural

In every aspect of my business I have the words “all natural.” It is on my website, my business cards, in almost everything I write. It is also used on a lot of other products by other companies and sometimes, not honestly. With such overuse it occurred to me that many people might not understand my meaning of that statement.

On the surface it means that the ingredients I use are natural. They come from flowers, plants or other things in nature. However that statement means so much more. It is not only how my products are made, it is why I make them.

I believe we are a part of nature and our relationship with it determines the quality of our lives. The closer we are to it the more we can appreciate all it has to offer us. The more we nurture and protect it the more abundance it bestows on us. Our relationship with nature is part of our total wellness.


I believe the natural earth  provides us with everything we need to live healthy, joyful lives. Not only does it supply us with an incredible variety of food to nourish our bodies, it also has everything we need to stimulate our minds and feed our spirit.


You could study a lifetime to learn about the never-ending species of plants, flowers, and trees not to mention animals and insects. Every time I plant something new I love to watch it grow and discover how it becomes a fruit or vegetable or flower. The process is so amazing to me. I also get excited when I see the extraordinary wildlife and creatures of this planet.

praying mantis


Then there is the beauty. How can you not feel joyful when you look at a bunch of zinnias or a stunning rose? The colors, shapes and aromas can make your heart sing.


The majesty also reminds you that you are part of something way bigger than yourself. The magnitude of nature and the magical way everything works together makes one know there is a glorious force that created and manages it all.


All this is in the “natural.” Natural ingredients that are gifts to nurture us and not harm us. Natural ingredients that are part of and will not harm this beautiful earth. My passion, respect and love of nature is in the “natural” and every bar of soap I make for you.

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